文明VII (cv7) 讓玩家透過策略性決策及與傳奇領袖的互動,塑造帝國的文化血脈。建造城市與奇蹟,透過科技突破進步,並透過征服或合作與敵對文明互動。
在文明VII (cv7) 中透過策略性決策塑造你的帝國。
在文明VII (cv7) 中透過科技突破推進你的文明。
在文明VII (cv7) 中透過征服或合作與敵對文明互動。
與傳奇領袖互動,引導你的文明進步文明VII (cv7)。
OMG, Civ VII looks AMAZING! The leader/civ combo thing is gonna be so cool. I can't wait to try and min-max everything! Feb 2025 can't come soon enough! HYPE!
The era transitions sound super interesting! Having to adapt your civ is a great way to keep things fresh. I'm a bit worried about those 'crisis events' though... hopefully, they're not too punishing! Still, very excited for this!
Been playing Civ since '91, and this looks like a worthy successor! The independent factions evolving into city-states is a brilliant idea. More diplomacy options are always welcome! Can't wait to see how it all plays out.
Simplifying the eras? Hmm, I'm cautiously optimistic. As long as it doesn't dumb down the game too much, I'm in! I'm mostly here for the domination victories anyway, lol. Bring on the wars!
The inclusion of philosophers, religious leaders, and scientists as leaders is a fantastic touch! It adds so much depth and historical flavor. I'm really looking forward to exploring all the different leader combinations.
Online multiplayer is where it's at! I hope they've improved the netcode. Nothing worse than lag ruining a good game. But yeah, Civ VII looks like it'll be epic for multiplayer battles!
I'm all about building those wonders! I hope they have some really cool new ones in Civ VII. I'm gonna spend hours just trying to get them all built. It's gonna be awesome!
Gotta love that tech tree! I'm gonna beeline for the most advanced technologies every game. Nothing beats having a futuristic army while everyone else is still using swords and shields. GG EZ!
Civ VII looks so good! I'm excited about the new features, especially the leader/civilization combinations. I'm hoping for more customization options too! Can't wait to play!